Robotech #0
Rom #1
Return of Superman #1
Rogue, Vol. 1 #1
Red #1
Robin Annual #1
Roachmill #1
Rocket Racoon #1
Robin, Vol. 1 #1A
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1A
Ramayan 3392 AD #1A
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1C
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1C
Rom #2
Rogue, Vol. 1 #2
Red #2
Revenge of the Prowler #2
Robin, Vol. 1 #2A
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #2A
Rom #3
Rom Annual #3
Rogue, Vol. 1 #3
Robin, Vol. 1 #3
Revenge of the Prowler #3
Roachmill #3
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #3A
Rom #4
Rogue, Vol. 1 #4
Ray Bradbury Comics #4
Robin, Vol. 1 #4
Revenge of the Prowler #4
Rom #5
Robin, Vol. 1 #5
Roachmill #6
Rom #7
Rom #9
Robin, Vol. 2 #9
Rai and the Future Force #9A
Rom #10
Rom #11
Rom #12
Richard Dragon Kung-Fu Fighter #13
Rom #13
Robin, Vol. 2 #14A
Robin, Vol. 2 #14B
Rom #16
Rom #17
Rom #18
Robin, Vol. 2 #19
Rom #20
Robin, Vol. 2 #20
Rom #21
Rom #25
Runaways, Vol. 2 #26
Richie Rich, Vol. 1 #29
Richie Rich, Vol. 1 #31
Richie Rich and Jackie Jokers #32
Richie Rich, Vol. 1 #35
Rom #37
Rom #38
Rom #39
Rom #40
Rom #53
Rom #54
Rom #55
Rom #56
Rom #56
Rom #57
Rom #57
Rom #57
Rom #58
Rom #59
Ripley's Believe it or Not, Vol. 1 #59
Rom #60
Rom #61
Rom #62
Reggie and Me #112
Reggie and Me #118