Marvel Comics
New Avengers #18
The Collective, Part Two
June 2006  |  Comic
In Collection

Read It:
Michael manages to reactivate Carol Danvers' Binary powers. She takes him on again, and is hit hard, but survives. The Sentry arrives and takes Michael into space, which gives Spider-Man and the Vision time to analyze the data they have, and realize Michael's true nature.

Writer Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller Mike Deodato Jr.
Inker Jose Pimentel
Colorist Dave Stewart
Letterer Albert Deschesne, Richard Starkings
Cover Penciller Steve McNiven
Cover Inker Steve McNiven
Cover Colorist Dave Stewart
Editor Tom Brevoort
Patriot (Elijah Bradley)
Hulkling (Teddy Altman)
Edwin Jarvis
Sharon Carter
Michael Pointer
Sentry (Robert Reynolds)
Daisy Johnson
Luke Cage
Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Vision (Jonas)
Captain America (Steve Rogers)
Wolverine (Logan / James Howlett)
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Maria Hill
Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Stature (Cassandra 'Cassie' Lang)

Product Details
Genre Adventure, Super-Heroes, Action
Age Modern
Color Color
Cover Price $2.99
No. of Pages 36
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status In Collection
Location Box 128
Links New Avengers at Comic Collector Connect